Stray cats face a high incidence of communicable diseases, malnutrition, and injuries from being hit by vehicles or attacked by dogs and other cats.

The Feline Foundation treats severe cases in the Versova area that require immediate immediate medical attention.

Our trauma patients often require several weeks of treatment and supportive care. Our focus is on helping the cat recover to the best state of health possible and preparing the cat to be released back into its home territory. We also sterilize and vaccinate the cats before their release.

Treating upto a hundred of trauma cases each year can incur high costs, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without the support from our incredible donors who fund life-saving surgeries, medications and equipment.

Success Stories



A staff member found this adorable cat near our office with a massive wound on his stomach and immediately brought him in for treatment. While he was recovering, Kiba acted as a good uncle to our young kittens. After Kiba’s wound fully closed, he was sterilized and released back in his home territory to enjoy life as a healthy free cat – though he still visits now and then!


Mangesh was accidentally run over by a scooter as a young kitten and found by the Lassoon Live team. He initially had intermittent seizures followed by a tough recovery. He soon pulled through and turned into a playful kitten. He was actually adopted by one of the people that found him and even has a sister, Siddhesh!




Gappu was found by one of our rescuers, Abaan. He had a huge wound on his neck that we did not know the cause of. Since the wound covered a large portion of his neck, it took several weeks to heal. As the staff dressed the wound every day, they very much took to his friendly nature. The day we released Gappu was a very happy and emotional one.


One of our volunteers found Samosa outside her residential area with a deep abrasion on his right foreleg. It was initially difficult to dress his wounds because he was scared of us and in discomfort. He soon warmed up to us and even started asking for pets. We fell in love with his huge cheeks (typical of males that are sterilized later in life). After treatment and sterilization, Samosa is enjoying life outdoors.



This cat came to us with a severe wound on his paw. The cat was so stressed that he had to be sedated by a veterinarian before he allowed anyone to bandage him. However with some rest and time he started to relax in our clinic and his paw slowly healed for a few weeks. By the end, he was quite comfortable being handled by our staff. He was released as a healthy cat.


George was found by a rescuer, Suman, in bad shape. He had a long cut on the side of his head as well as an abscess on his stomach, possibly from a fight with another male cat. Healing took even longer than usual because he would break out of his Elizabethan collar (plastic cone worn over the head) and irritate his wounds. It was all worth it because he now lives happily outdoors.



We found this white and ginger cat while doing a survey of stray cats in Versova gaon. He had a broken leg and seemed to be in a lot of pain. After picking him up we were able to perform a successful amputation surgery on him. The surgical site healed with no issues, and he was able to run, jump and climb as usual. Since he had a family feeding him in his original spot in Versova Gaon, which is also away from the threats of dogs and cars, we released him back.


Marshall was found with a gangrenous tail and a maggot-infested wound covering the entire right side of his face. When he was treated for the maggots, he had a poor reaction to the drug and began having seizures. Animal Care Center helped flush out the maggots and amputate his tail. After a month of intensive care, his seizures are very infrequent. Marshall now cuddles with visitors at Cat Cafe Studio, where he is looking for his future family.

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