Donate to build our new animal centre!
The Feline Foundation is expanding so we can spay/neuter more strays cats in the city and provide better medical treatment to stray dogs and cats in need.
Impact 💫 – 15,000+ stray cats and dogs per year
As many of you know there is a huge demand for cat sterilisations due to the increased population, and we ourselves always have a long waitlist for surgery appointments. In the new centre we will hopefully be able to meet this demand by DOUBLING our sterilisation capacity to 400 per month!!
We will also be able to grow and improve our Cat Rehabilitation program by adding more cages and best of all, a small enrichment area for the cats to play one by one! We’re calling it the ‘Let Out room’. The expanded space will allow for a more comfortable and stress-free environment, facilitating quicker recovery and behavioural improvements in rescued or injured cats.
The Centre will also have more space in the OPD and diagnostics room, allowing our doctors and patients both to be comfortable. Other facilities that will be added are a Surgical Prep room where our Surgical assistant can shave and sanitise pre-op patients, a storage room to store our cat food and blankets, and wash stations on each floor where our staff will wash the cages and cats’ food dishes.
This is a huge step we are taking but a necessary one. We have reached the limit of our operations in our current centre, and in order to help a larger number of animals, make a significant difference to the stray cat population, and do so in an effective and efficient manner, moving to a bigger centre is the next sure step.
We appeal to you to donate towards setting up the centre and be part of this wonderful cause